POW! Superman to Kick Butt over Cigarette Littering!

This was my first impression when I glanced at a headline of the venerable ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) Daily News of 19 August 2020. But then I realised I was indulging in wishful thinking. The actual wording was, ‘Pow threatens tobacco firms over litter.’ Pow is the surname of the British Conservative MP for the constituency [...]

2021-05-28T00:27:18+00:0026 August 2020|Categories: ASH, Big Tobacco, Philip Morris|

Quit for Covid – or Quit for Yourself?

Thanks to the ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) Daily News of 18 June 2020, we are informed of a new tactic to get smokers to quit: fear of Covid. Dr Ruth Sharrock, a specialist in respiratory medicine in the English city of Gateshead, is involved in a new campaign launched by an organisation with the pleasant-sounding name [...]

2022-01-18T05:31:29+00:0025 June 2020|Categories: ASH, Quit Smoking|

Misunderstanding the Smoking Problem

The current woeful state of understanding of the smoking problem is shown in the online Daily News (10 March 2020) of the UK charity, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). According to this, Mr Ciaran Osborne, who as ASH’s director of policy and communications ought to know what he is talking about, apparently thinks that what smokers [...]

2024-09-03T01:19:48+00:0022 April 2020|Categories: ASH, Nicotine Addiction|
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