Big Tobacco is the enemy!

This seems to have been forgotten by some in the ‘tobacco control’ movement who want to deal with the likes of Philip Morris and British American Tobacco.

The expression Big Tobacco refers to the world’s five largest tobacco companies: Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco, and China Tobacco.

Should they be indicted for crimes against humanity? Use of their products kills seven million people per year (WHO figure).

Incredibly, Big Tobacco seek to present themselves as part of the solution to the smoking problem. And how do they manage this extraordinary contortion? But claiming they’re developing safer alternatives to cigarettes! Examples of these are ‘heat-not-burn’ tobacco products that go by the names of iQOS, glo, and Ploom. In the same vein we have Philip Morris’s specious promise that they’re ‘trying to give up cigarettes‘. Give them a big hand!

I suppose one can’t expect Big Tobacco to do the decent thing (don’t laugh) and put themselves out of business. But, you see, as soon as their alternative products have taken off and are producing as much if not more income than that of their current ordinary cigarettes – they’ll stop making ordinary cigarettes ! So that’s all right then.

While we hold our breath waiting for that moment to arrive we can contemplate another public enemy – as far as tobacco is concerned. And that is governments. For allowing the current deplorable situation to exist whereby ordinary cigarettes continue to be allowed to be sold.

POW! Superman to Kick Butt over Cigarette Littering!

This was my first impression when I glanced at a headline of the venerable ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) Daily News of 19 August 2020. But then I realised I was indulging in wishful thinking. The actual wording was, ‘Pow threatens tobacco firms over litter.’ Pow is the surname of the British Conservative MP for the constituency [...]

2021-05-28T00:27:18+00:0026 August 2020|Categories: ASH, Big Tobacco, Philip Morris|

Tobacco Control: Confusion and Naïvety

Let me explain. Tobacco Control is the name of a learned journal that states one of its aims is: …to study the nature and consequences of…efforts to prevent and control the global tobacco epidemic… This is confused. The tobacco epidemic, as it’s called, is all too obviously in full swing. Therefore, it's too late to prevent it. What [...]

2021-10-26T00:28:11+00:0019 April 2018|Categories: Big Tobacco, Philip Morris, Tobacco Control|

Smoking Alternatives and Philip Morris

What is this colourful montage? It's comprised of the logos of organisations from all over the world who were signatories to a letter addressed, as you can see, to Mr André Calantzopoulos (they omitted his title and if this was from lack of respect for this loathsome person I don’t blame them), the Chief Executive Officer of Philip [...]

More Big Tobacco Hypocrisy

Laughing all the way to the bank Philip Morris International (PMI) claim their new ‘heat-not-burn’ tobacco product that goes under the name of IQOS isn’t an e-cigarette. They say this because e-cigarettes are prohibited in Thailand. The Managing Director of the Thailand division of PMI, Mr Gerald Margolis (pictured), argues that their new product ‘is different from e-cigarettes, [...]

2021-11-13T01:23:16+00:0025 December 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, Nicotine Addiction, Philip Morris|

Big Tobacco Bashing

Tobacco company CEOs lying to the US Congress in 1994 that nicotine is not addictive For today’s post, let’s hear it from the Tobacco Action Committee of the American Thoracic Society (ATS). The Committee is charged with organizing and coordinating the [Society’s] tobacco control activities [which] will include…activities with the ultimate goal of minimizing the impact of tobacco [...]

2018-07-23T22:18:53+00:0025 November 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco|

How to Smoke Without Smoking – Part II

‘There’s such a craving for cessation!’ This cynical comment was made to me by Christopher Proctor, chief scientist of British American Tobacco, the company whose poisonous products, legally on sale everywhere, are responsible for about 9,600 deaths every year in the UK. (At the time of writiing they had 10% of the cigarette market and 96,000 people die [...]

2021-06-29T01:16:56+00:0025 August 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, British American Tobacco|

How To Be Popular With Nicotine

I quote from British American Tobacco’s International Marketing Principles, 2015: We will not portray smoking as an activity that makes people appear more popular, appealing or successful. But they seem to have no qualms about portraying the use of their new product with the almost unpronounceable name of ‘glo’ as an activity that makes people appear more popular, [...]

More BAT Duplicity

Fumatul ucide is Spanish for smoking kills In my tireless efforts to bring you the low-down on the tricks of the tobacco trade let me tell you about this little gem I came across recently from British American Tobacco (BAT): Under the page header the eye is drawn to the large print: ‘Our Guiding Principles’. So BAT [...]

2020-12-02T03:26:33+00:0026 March 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, British American Tobacco, Nicotine Addiction|

Lies, Damned Lies, and Big Tobacco

How can Nic-'otine'-andro Durante face himself in the mirror each morning? Let me put it another way. What are 10,000 deaths a year in the UK worth? To work this out we need to remember that one of the warning labels appearing on cigarette packs amusingly states ‘Smoking kills’. More precisely, smoking kills about 100,000 people each year [...]

Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well, I have others

The title is a quotation from Groucho Marx. Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the website of Japan Tobacco International (JTI), in particular the section headed ‘Our six core principles’. (The word ‘core’ is redundant.) The hypocrisy from start to finish is breathtaking. The very idea of a tobacco company declaring it has any principles at all [...]

2023-01-11T03:56:43+00:0019 March 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, Japan Tabacco, Nicotine Addiction, Tobacco Control|

Nothing Much Changed in Thousands of Years

German industrial cigarette machine - makes 10,000 cigarettes a minute There are some individuals and organisations that have found a way to deal with awkward questions: ignore them! Recently I cast my critical eye at the website of the venerable cigarette manufacturing company, Japan Tobacco International (JTI). In their ‘About tobacco’ section we find the amazing fact that [...]

2018-07-05T21:19:35+00:0018 March 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, Japan Tabacco, Nicotine Addiction|
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