
E-cigarettes are being encouraged in Britain as a means of quitting smoking.

This is misleading and irresponsible. E-cigarettes are merely an alternative way of continuing nicotine addiction that is hoped will be safer than smoking.

It’s often argued that with e-cigarettes, since you don’t inhale many of the poisons found in tobacco smoke, it’s healthier to vape than to smoke. This is defeatist: it disempowers and even infantilises smokers. You don’t need an alternative to smoking!

Sucking nicotine-laden fumes into your lungs many times a day for years on end is obviously risky. Only when people have been doing it for twenty or thirty years will we know whether it’s safe – but in the meantime why take the risk?

It’s also claimed vaping is pleasurable and sociable. If you look into this it’s clear the pleasure is illusory; and the sociability of vaping merely means you don’t feel quite so foolish inhaling poison if other people are doing it with you.

Quitting smoking and all forms of nicotine completely can be easy – with the Symonds Method.

Does Vaping Make You Grumpy?

In previous blogs I have dealt with how vaping makes you feel bad, induces vulgarity, and is an activity from which you will get no satisfaction. Now I have to add another downside to this abnormal and potentially harmful behaviour: it can result in vapers being grumpy, as I shall explain. Do you know what INNCO means? It’s [...]

2023-04-22T07:15:03+00:004 August 2022|Categories: E-Cigarettes, INNCO, Quit Smoking, Vaping, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|

Vape On!

Vapid thinking about the vaping problem is shown in a seven-author Research Letter in an online publication of the Journal of the American Medical Association called Network Open (2 April 2021). Six of the authors are Doctors of Philosophy and one has a Master of Science degree. (It's part of the PATH study about which I've written before.) [...]

2023-08-16T03:32:40+00:008 April 2021|Categories: E-Cigarettes, PATH study, Vaping|

Urge WHO To End Lies About Vaping!

Vaping—the activity whereby you repeatedly inhale a nicotine-laced aerosol—is big business. And as one would expect, there’s an online publication which promotes the interests of the vaping industry, the Vaping Post. In a recent edition I came across the headline, ‘Asia-Pacific Groups Create Petition Urging WHO to End Lies About Vaping.’ Well, there’s a challenge! This is put [...]

2022-04-02T01:57:43+00:0021 March 2021|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Tobacco Control, WHO|

Further up the Garden Path

Since I first wrote about the PATH (Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health) study (https://www.nicotinemonkey.com/up-the-garden-path-to-reduce-tobacco-related-death-and-disease/) how far along have our intrepid researchers got? They now proceed, we are informed, not in steps or stages, but in waves. We’re now at Waves 1 – 3 with a paper released in March 2020 by Saul Shiffman and Mark Sembower. These [...]

2021-03-16T13:07:17+00:0019 October 2020|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, PATH study, Vaping|

E-Cigarettes on Prescription!

It has been claimed that ‘The English tobacco control/smoking cessation community is internationally regarded as being utterly, hopelessly smitten  with e-cigarettes. It's become almost cult-like.' See https://www.nicotinemonkey.com/hopelessly-smitten-with-e-cigarettes/ Now it seems this community is about to take leave of its senses. A certain Martin Dockrell, the Tobacco Control Programme Lead of Public Health England, is quoted (Daily Mail, 23 [...]

2023-04-22T07:16:19+00:006 July 2019|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Vaping, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|

Why Does Juul Labs Sell Poison?

Juul Labs is the nice scientific-sounding name of the company that makes the popular—especially with school kids—nicotine drug delivery device with the catchy name of Juul. Now hold on a minute, Dr Symonds! Nicotine a poison? It’s no more harmful than coffee! Anyway, it’s such fun to suck nicotine-laden vapour into your lungs hundreds of times a day, [...]

2023-04-22T07:16:34+00:0010 June 2019|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|

Vaping is Magnificent!

Some illuminating insights can be gained into the smoking problem by different people’s comments on my answer to a question posted on Quora (a US based question-and-answer website). The question was: What is your opinion on vaping and e-cigarettes? I answered thus: E-cigarettes should be seen for what they are: drug (nicotine) delivery devices. There’s enough trouble already [...]

2022-01-24T01:00:32+00:0011 January 2019|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

A New Way To Poison Yourself

Do you know what formaldehyde cyanohydrin is? The answer will be revealed shortly, but first, kind reader, consider the following: A BBC news item (20 September 2018) shows TV presenter Jeremy Kyle sitting at his desk, looking rather serious. He boasts he’s quit smoking twenty cigarettes-a-day after thirty-five years: ‘I am proud to say that I quit smoking [...]

2022-04-26T05:53:01+00:0031 December 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

How E-Cigarettes Make You Feel Bad

It seems these days everyone is jumping on the e-cigarette bandwagon—the debate is swirling back and forth. Are e-cigarettes harmful or good for smokers? If they’re harmful, how much less so than smoking? Should vaping be permitted/banned everywhere/on public transport/in classrooms/hospitals? Should they be regulated, and if so, how and how much? As an example of this of [...]

2022-08-20T05:37:42+00:0021 September 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, How to Quit Smoking, Vaping|

Does Vaping Induce Vulgarity?

When you think of charities, what usually occurs to you next? That they are, no doubt, deserving, and the fact that they all want money. For example, the Tibet Relief Fund, Yorkshire Cat Rescue, or the National Trust—all worthwhile charities in need of funding from the philanthropic public. Now, let us take the so-called New Nicotine Alliance (NNA), [...]

2021-11-06T01:13:59+00:0011 September 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Wonderful Tar-Free E-Cigarettes

In The Times (2 September 2018) there is an article by the liberal democratic politician, Norman Lamb, MP, (pictured) with a title that it must have given him a chuckle to write, ‘It’s time to stop tarring e-cigarettes and tobacco with the same brush’. Mr Lamb is a solicitor. Nonetheless, he is Chair of the Science and Technology [...]

2019-05-03T07:27:50+00:0010 September 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Anti-Nicotine Alliance

You will not have not heard of this organisation because it’s still in the process being set up. When the Board of Trustees is established – Dr Gabriel Symonds has volunteered to be the honorary Chairman – we intend to apply to the UK Charities Commission for registration. The main aim of ANA is to educate the public [...]

2022-03-28T00:34:08+00:0026 August 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Vaping|

What Rhymes With Juul?

In the venerable New Yorker (24 May 2018) there was  an article about the emerging problems with the latest nicotine delivery device that looks like a USB stick, called Juul. The article starts by parroting a myth, twice: Nicotine is both a stimulant and a relaxant: it peps you up when you’re tired, and if you’re anxious it [...]

2021-10-17T00:38:46+00:0015 August 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction|

Juul Emperor Has No Clothes!

Do you really want to put this stuff into your lungs? In the wonderful country of America it takes a lawsuit or two to see the obvious. The Juul brand of e-cigarette looks like a USB stick but the difference is that, after you’ve charged it in the USB port of your computer, you stick it in your [...]

2021-09-21T23:41:13+00:0028 July 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction|

Hopelessly Smitten With E-Cigarettes

How to enjoy poisoning yourself ‘The English tobacco control/smoking cessation community is internationally regarded as utterly, hopelessly smitten with e-cigarettes. It’s become almost cult-like.’ These words were written by Professor Simon Chapman, the well-known Australian public health expert and anti-smoking campaigner, in response to a debate in The British Medical Journal (28 April 2018) on the question, ‘Should [...]

2018-07-17T21:19:16+00:0027 June 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Smoking Alternatives, Vaping|

Feeding Nicotine Addiction With E-Cigarettes

Under the guise of protecting public health, the pro-vaping lobby gets into some curious twists and turns. For example, there is an official-looking 2017 paper, Reshaping American Tobacco Policy. It is written by three people, one of whom, Clive Bates, oddly designates himself as ‘Director, Counterfactual’, evidently being unaware of what counterfactual means: pertaining to or expressing what [...]

2021-06-06T23:52:30+00:002 May 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Juul – the Safer Way to Poison Yourself with Nicotine

Or so the makers of this latest e-cigarette device would have us believe. And what a clever name, suggestive of the jewel in the crown, no doubt. All right, Dr Symonds, that’s enough cynicism. What is Juul all about? Their website describes it as ‘The Satisfying Alternative To Cigarettes’. Do you know what the best and most satisfying [...]

2019-05-03T07:41:58+00:001 May 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Alternatives, Vaping|

Nicotine Addiction and Risks of E-Cigarettes

Professor Colin 'Nicotine' Mendelsohn, a self-styled tobacco treatment specialist, is a man with a mission. He has the noble goal of wanting to cure smokers of their dangerous habit of smoking – but he wants to do this by encouraging them to switch to e-cigarettes. I am sure our good Professor would agree that smokers smoke because they [...]

2018-07-23T22:17:51+00:0021 April 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Promotion of E-Cigarettes: Misleading and Irresponsible

An organisation called Yorkshire Cancer Research has put out a video entitled Vape to Quit. This video, though well meant, shows everything that’s wrong with the current approach to quitting smoking. I’ll transcribe some of the speech and add my comments. Why do you need a 'way' to stop doing something? ‘There’s (sic) various ways stop’ says Paul [...]

2018-07-23T22:15:13+00:0016 March 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Nicotine Replacement Therapy|

Key Influencers and Decision Makers for E-Cigarettes

  Why should you have to do this all day, every day, for years on end?     Now here’s something to ponder. A recent article in the online International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health reports a study of vaping with the wordy title of the sort commonly found in scholarly medical articles: ‘A Qualitative Exploration [...]

2021-11-18T10:04:29+00:0011 February 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Air Rage and Other Nicotine Notes

Is this what smoking does to you? According to The Independent (12 December 2017) a 24 year-old woman was arrested in the US after she smoked in the toilet on a domestic flight. When confronted by the crew she caused a ruckus and ended up being arrested. Later, when asked why she decided to smoke on the plane [...]

2023-04-04T05:36:10+00:0028 December 2017|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Vaping|

Is Smoking A Mental Illness?

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) would seem to think smoking is indeed a mental illness, since it has plunged into the debate about e-cigarettes. It takes a wonderfully fence-sitting position in its July 2017 submission to the ‘Inquiry into the use and marketing of electronic cigarettes and personal vaporisers in Australia’ of the [...]

2022-08-08T00:42:44+00:0027 December 2017|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Health Effects, Vaping|

The Perfect Product for Nicotine Addiction

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced it has awakened to the interesting idea that the way to help people quit smoking is for them to have a wider range of ‘products’ available in addition to so-called nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). The FDA recognises that NRT (nicotine-containing gum, patches, and lozenges) is of limited effectiveness and [...]

Oyez! Oyez! Learn to Love Your Lungs!

The Nursing Times (13 November 2017) brings us news of a great way to raise awareness of lung cancer for the citizens of the historic city of Leicester in England. Specialist nurses will run a stall at a shopping centre where they ‘will be promoting e-cigarettes to the public…as part of efforts to boost smoking cessation.’ One of [...]

2020-12-14T23:38:20+00:0015 November 2017|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Health Effects|

Four Professors and a Counterfactual

All the fun of the fumes The long-windedly titled The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) recently produced a video called E-cigarettes safety: The facts explained. The trouble is that there are precious few facts available at the moment; but there are plenty of opinions. The film features four Professors who are well known e-cigarette enthusiasts, [...]

2021-09-22T04:29:27+00:0011 November 2017|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

The attempt and not the deed, Confounds us

The 2017 version of Stoptober, as they call it, finished on 28th October. The idea was that if smokers could be encouraged and supported not to smoke for twenty-eight days, they would be 'five times more likely to quit for good'. Those who signed up received daily messages of the following kind: If you're using stop smoking aids, [...]

2023-04-23T02:04:56+00:005 November 2017|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine gum, Nicotine Patches, Smoking Harm Reduction|
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