
E-cigarettes are being encouraged in Britain as a means of quitting smoking.

This is misleading and irresponsible. E-cigarettes are merely an alternative way of continuing nicotine addiction that is hoped will be safer than smoking.

It’s often argued that with e-cigarettes, since you don’t inhale many of the poisons found in tobacco smoke, it’s healthier to vape than to smoke. This is defeatist: it disempowers and even infantilises smokers. You don’t need an alternative to smoking!

Sucking nicotine-laden fumes into your lungs many times a day for years on end is obviously risky. Only when people have been doing it for twenty or thirty years will we know whether it’s safe – but in the meantime why take the risk?

It’s also claimed vaping is pleasurable and sociable. If you look into this it’s clear the pleasure is illusory; and the sociability of vaping merely means you don’t feel quite so foolish inhaling poison if other people are doing it with you.

Quitting smoking and all forms of nicotine completely can be easy – with the Symonds Method.

E-Cigarettes and the Charity Commission

Not everyone is happy about e-cigarettes – and it’s not just I. The BBC online news (5 November 2016) carries a report that Dr Phil Banfied, chairman of the British Medical Association's Welsh council, wants to see proof of the safety of e-cigarettes. To emphasize the need for caution with these new drug (nicotine) delivery devices, he reminded [...]

2018-06-14T00:39:39+00:006 November 2016|Categories: E-Cigarettes, How to Quit Smoking|

E-Cigarettes Poised to Take Over the World!

Amazing discovery! Now you can enjoy poisoning yourself with nicotine without doing yourself any harm at all! Guaranteed 95% safe! You can get the same satisfaction as smoking cigarettes without the tar! Really? I can’t get-no satisfaction…a man comes on to tell me…but he can’t be a man ’cause he doesn’t smoke the same cigarettes as me…’cause you [...]

2024-02-14T14:27:25+00:0029 October 2016|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Vaping|

Why NRT Makes it Harder to Stop Smoking

NRT, let me remind you, means so-called nicotine replacement therapy. Why ‘so-called’? Because nicotine is not a replacement for anything, nor is nicotine being replaced with something, so the name is wrong. It really means cigarette replacement but could equally well and more accurately be called nicotine maintenance therapy (NMT). The idea is that, since stopping smoking is [...]

2022-12-18T01:26:50+00:0019 October 2016|Categories: E-Cigarettes, How to Quit Smoking, Nicotine gum, Nicotine Patches|

Millions and Millions of Vapers

In support of the suggestion that e-cigarettes (‘vaping’) should be available on the NHS, there is a clip shown on the BBC Radio 5 Alive program (19 August 2015) featuring Professor Kevin Fenton from Public Health England. He points out that “more than 2.5 million smokers have already purchased their own e-cigarettes…some are using them to quit, some [...]

2018-06-14T01:09:09+00:0021 August 2015|Categories: E-Cigarettes, How to Quit Smoking, Smoking Harm Reduction, Vaping|
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