Japan Tabacco

Japan Tobacco, like the rest in the Big Tobacco cartel, is in the awkward position of trying to defend the indefensible. They admit their poisonous – but legal – products are addictive and cause nasty diseases, so why do they go on making them?

This unanswerable question, nonetheless, Japan Tobacco gets into contortions to try to answer. What they say about addiction is particularly interesting: ‘If you want to avoid the risks of smoking, you should not smoke.’ So that lets them off the hook.

What they don’t acknowledge is how cigarettes themselves have created the problem, that is, nicotine addiction, whereby smokers find it difficult to stop.

This is examined in detail in the post ‘Nothing Much Changed in Thousands of Years’.

How To Be Popular With Nicotine

I quote from British American Tobacco’s International Marketing Principles, 2015: We will not portray smoking as an activity that makes people appear more popular, appealing or successful. But they seem to have no qualms about portraying the use of their new product with the almost unpronounceable name of ‘glo’ as an activity that makes people appear more popular, [...]

Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well, I have others

The title is a quotation from Groucho Marx. Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the website of Japan Tobacco International (JTI), in particular the section headed ‘Our six core principles’. (The word ‘core’ is redundant.) The hypocrisy from start to finish is breathtaking. The very idea of a tobacco company declaring it has any principles at all [...]

2023-01-11T03:56:43+00:0019 March 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, Japan Tabacco, Nicotine Addiction, Tobacco Control|

Nothing Much Changed in Thousands of Years

German industrial cigarette machine - makes 10,000 cigarettes a minute There are some individuals and organisations that have found a way to deal with awkward questions: ignore them! Recently I cast my critical eye at the website of the venerable cigarette manufacturing company, Japan Tobacco International (JTI). In their ‘About tobacco’ section we find the amazing fact that [...]

2018-07-05T21:19:35+00:0018 March 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, Japan Tabacco, Nicotine Addiction|
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