Nicotine Addiction

Most smokers refuse to acknowlege the real reason they cannot quit smoking, it’s their addiction to Nicotine. Nicotine patches and gum are popular remedies, but only service to transfer smokers’ nicotine addiction from one form to another form.

Building Blocks for Tobacco Dependency

The British Thoracic Society recently published a ten-author Clinical Statement with the promising title, Medical management of in-patients with tobacco dependency. It’s supposed to be a guide for doctors to help smokers give up the evil weed if they have the misfortune to be admitted to hospital, though if they’re addicted to vaping presumably it doesn’t apply to [...]

2024-09-10T02:26:00+00:006 May 2024|Categories: Nicotine Addiction|

Bankrupt Pregnancy Smoking Plan

Courtesy of that august organ, ISH Daily News, for 10 January 2024, there is both good and bad news about Wirral, part of the city of Liverpool in northwest England. First, the good news: ‘Fewer pregnant women in Wirral were smokers when they give birth, new figures show.’ This means that maternal smoking rates fell from 9.1 [...]

2024-09-15T01:27:46+00:0014 January 2024|Categories: Nicotine Addiction|

Smoking and Shame

Does the Symonds Method make smokers feel ashamed? Smokers, if they’re honest with themselves, are already ashamed by their apparent inability to stop poisoning themselves with tobacco fumes – a great misfortune. I recently received a message from a smoker in Australia that was rather critical of my approach to helping smokers become non-smokers again. I am even [...]

2024-09-15T06:59:32+00:0011 March 2023|Categories: Nicotine Addiction|

Cotton Candy to Blue Raspberry Disposable Vapes

Here we go again. An article on BBC News (14 June 2022) shows everything that’s wrong with the current approach to smoking and vaping. Let’s start with the headline: ‘Vaping – it is a risk-free option?’ An option for what? For a way of taking nicotine into your body? You don’t need options for this purpose because you [...]

2023-04-22T07:15:15+00:0015 June 2022|Categories: Disposable vapes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|

Misunderstanding the Smoking Problem

The current woeful state of understanding of the smoking problem is shown in the online Daily News (10 March 2020) of the UK charity, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). According to this, Mr Ciaran Osborne, who as ASH’s director of policy and communications ought to know what he is talking about, apparently thinks that what smokers [...]

2024-09-03T01:19:48+00:0022 April 2020|Categories: ASH, Nicotine Addiction|

The Tragedy of Smoking – Part II

One of my smoker patients said to me, ‘The pleasure of smoking may be an illusion, but it’s a very nice illusion!’ It is really? It’s no illusion, and certainly wouldn't be nice, if you contracted a smoking-induced disease. Yet it’s extraordinary the lengths to which smokers will go to justify their smoking. Here’s what some of them [...]

2022-12-06T00:36:20+00:0019 September 2019|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms|

Philip Morris: White Paper Whitewash

The highly esteemed tobacco company, Philip Morris International (PMI), in January 2019 published an anonymous fifty-five page document entitled Public Health – Much Harder than Rocket Science. They modestly call it a White Paper, as if it’s an official government report, and it’s padded out with eighteen artistic black-and-white photos of no relevance to public heath except for [...]

2023-04-25T09:07:58+00:0031 January 2019|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Philip Morris|

Philip Morris: Saviour of the World

The two-faced André Calantzopoulos, CEO of Philip Morris International (PMI), is at it again. He’s written an open letter to the Global Leadership Community [sic], whatever that is, in which he presents himself and the repulsive company he heads as the saviour of the world. It’s not difficult, however, to see through the lies, distortions and false emotional [...]

2022-12-30T01:03:07+00:0024 January 2019|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Harm Reduction|

Vaping is Magnificent!

Some illuminating insights can be gained into the smoking problem by different people’s comments on my answer to a question posted on Quora (a US based question-and-answer website). The question was: What is your opinion on vaping and e-cigarettes? I answered thus: E-cigarettes should be seen for what they are: drug (nicotine) delivery devices. There’s enough trouble already [...]

2022-01-24T01:00:32+00:0011 January 2019|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

A New Way To Poison Yourself

Do you know what formaldehyde cyanohydrin is? The answer will be revealed shortly, but first, kind reader, consider the following: A BBC news item (20 September 2018) shows TV presenter Jeremy Kyle sitting at his desk, looking rather serious. He boasts he’s quit smoking twenty cigarettes-a-day after thirty-five years: ‘I am proud to say that I quit smoking [...]

2022-04-26T05:53:01+00:0031 December 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Does Vaping Induce Vulgarity?

When you think of charities, what usually occurs to you next? That they are, no doubt, deserving, and the fact that they all want money. For example, the Tibet Relief Fund, Yorkshire Cat Rescue, or the National Trust—all worthwhile charities in need of funding from the philanthropic public. Now, let us take the so-called New Nicotine Alliance (NNA), [...]

2021-11-06T01:13:59+00:0011 September 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Wonderful Tar-Free E-Cigarettes

In The Times (2 September 2018) there is an article by the liberal democratic politician, Norman Lamb, MP, (pictured) with a title that it must have given him a chuckle to write, ‘It’s time to stop tarring e-cigarettes and tobacco with the same brush’. Mr Lamb is a solicitor. Nonetheless, he is Chair of the Science and Technology [...]

2019-05-03T07:27:50+00:0010 September 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

What Rhymes With Juul?

In the venerable New Yorker (24 May 2018) there was  an article about the emerging problems with the latest nicotine delivery device that looks like a USB stick, called Juul. The article starts by parroting a myth, twice: Nicotine is both a stimulant and a relaxant: it peps you up when you’re tired, and if you’re anxious it [...]

2021-10-17T00:38:46+00:0015 August 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction|

Juul Emperor Has No Clothes!

Do you really want to put this stuff into your lungs? In the wonderful country of America it takes a lawsuit or two to see the obvious. The Juul brand of e-cigarette looks like a USB stick but the difference is that, after you’ve charged it in the USB port of your computer, you stick it in your [...]

2021-09-21T23:41:13+00:0028 July 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction|

Nicotine the Wonder Drug

The alleged pleasure of smoking is sometimes put forward in an attempt to counter the nanny state which says smoking’s bad for you. Here’s an example from Huffington Post (6 April 2011) by Christopher Mathias, ‘I love loosies’: I love smoking. I like the way it smells, I like the way it tastes after a meal or with [...]

2023-04-27T01:51:03+00:0017 July 2018|Categories: Benefits of quitting smoking, Nicotine Addiction|

Smoking in Scotland

The headline to an article in the online The Scotsman (4 April 2018) laments that ‘Smoke-free Scotland goal stalls as one in five fail [sic] to quit’. This is blamed on funding for smoking cessation campaigns being cut by the Scottish Government. The article elaborates: About one in five Scots, equivalent to 850,000 adults, are [sic] still lighting [...]

Nicotine Patches for Nicotine Addiction

It’s an unfortunate fact that many smokers, although they dislike smoking and wish they didn’t have to do it, find the prospect of quitting very difficult. Therefore it’s understandable that they seek help in how to stop smoking, including using nicotine patches . In theory, all that smokers need to do is to stub out their last cigarette [...]

2023-01-06T00:50:52+00:006 June 2018|Categories: How to Quit Smoking, Nicotine Addiction, Nicotine Patches|

Addiction Sticks and Tobacco Control Vaccine

The March 2018 edition of the highly esteemed journal, Tobacco Control, contains interesting examples of infelicitous writing, to say nothing of wrong-headed ideas: addiction sticks and tobacco control vaccine. As part of an attack on Philip Morris International’s cynical and false claim, 'We're trying to give up cigarettes', it’s gratifying that the editor, Professor Ruth E Malone, is [...]

2021-09-24T23:55:11+00:004 June 2018|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Philip Morris, Tobacco Control|

Quit Smoking with Coconut Oil

A fool and his money are soon parted—old English proverb. Modern version: There’s one born every minute. Whether it’s a seemingly miraculous cure for hair loss, type 2 diabetes, erectile dysfunction, or a recently rediscovered ancient formula guaranteed to abolish unhappiness, it’s all to be found on the internet. The spiel is always the same: a video that [...]

2023-04-04T05:19:06+00:004 June 2018|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Nicotine Patches, Smoking Alternatives|

Smoking Health Effects

Here are some facts about a natural disaster, tuberculosis. According to WHO, in 2016: 10.4 million people fell ill with TB, and 1.7 million died from the disease. And now here are some facts about an unnatural disaster, smoking. Tobacco kills more than 7 million people each year. More than 6 million of those deaths are the result [...]

Feeding Nicotine Addiction With E-Cigarettes

Under the guise of protecting public health, the pro-vaping lobby gets into some curious twists and turns. For example, there is an official-looking 2017 paper, Reshaping American Tobacco Policy. It is written by three people, one of whom, Clive Bates, oddly designates himself as ‘Director, Counterfactual’, evidently being unaware of what counterfactual means: pertaining to or expressing what [...]

2021-06-06T23:52:30+00:002 May 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Juul – the Safer Way to Poison Yourself with Nicotine

Or so the makers of this latest e-cigarette device would have us believe. And what a clever name, suggestive of the jewel in the crown, no doubt. All right, Dr Symonds, that’s enough cynicism. What is Juul all about? Their website describes it as ‘The Satisfying Alternative To Cigarettes’. Do you know what the best and most satisfying [...]

2019-05-03T07:41:58+00:001 May 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Alternatives, Vaping|

Nicotine Addiction and Risks of E-Cigarettes

Professor Colin 'Nicotine' Mendelsohn, a self-styled tobacco treatment specialist, is a man with a mission. He has the noble goal of wanting to cure smokers of their dangerous habit of smoking – but he wants to do this by encouraging them to switch to e-cigarettes. I am sure our good Professor would agree that smokers smoke because they [...]

2018-07-23T22:17:51+00:0021 April 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping|

Promotion of E-Cigarettes: Misleading and Irresponsible

An organisation called Yorkshire Cancer Research has put out a video entitled Vape to Quit. This video, though well meant, shows everything that’s wrong with the current approach to quitting smoking. I’ll transcribe some of the speech and add my comments. Why do you need a 'way' to stop doing something? ‘There’s (sic) various ways stop’ says Paul [...]

2018-07-23T22:15:13+00:0016 March 2018|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Addiction, Nicotine Replacement Therapy|
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