Vape On!

Vapid thinking about the vaping problem is shown in a seven-author Research Letter in an online publication of the Journal of the American Medical Association called Network Open (2 April 2021). Six of the authors are Doctors of Philosophy and one has a Master of Science degree. (It's part of the PATH study about which I've written before.) [...]

2023-08-16T03:32:40+00:008 April 2021|Categories: E-Cigarettes, PATH study, Vaping|

Further up the Garden Path

Since I first wrote about the PATH (Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health) study ( how far along have our intrepid researchers got? They now proceed, we are informed, not in steps or stages, but in waves. We’re now at Waves 1 – 3 with a paper released in March 2020 by Saul Shiffman and Mark Sembower. These [...]

2021-03-16T13:07:17+00:0019 October 2020|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, PATH study, Vaping|
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