Benefits of quitting smoking

You may think you know the benefits of quitting smoking. The obvious ones are improved  health, money saved, looking and feeling feel better, smelling better (in both senses), reduced risk of getting various nasty diseases, and so on.

But one of the major benefits of quitting smoking may not be so obvious. You will – if you go about quitting the right way – lose the fear of not smoking.

Don’t fool yourself that you smoke for pleasure, stress relief, something to do with your hands, or as a slimming aid. The real – and for the practical purpose of quitting – the only reason you smoke, is to avoid the panic if you think you’ve run out of cigarettes and the anxiety you feel when you want to smoke when you’re not allowed to.

Don’t just take my word for it, though. With the Symonds Method you can demonstrate to yourself . You will then be able to enjoy all the wonderful benefits of quitting smoking – without the fear.

Nicotine the Wonder Drug

The alleged pleasure of smoking is sometimes put forward in an attempt to counter the nanny state which says smoking’s bad for you. Here’s an example from Huffington Post (6 April 2011) by Christopher Mathias, ‘I love loosies’: I love smoking. I like the way it smells, I like the way it tastes after a meal or with [...]

2023-04-27T01:51:03+00:0017 July 2018|Categories: Benefits of quitting smoking, Nicotine Addiction|

The Twelve Worst Ways – and the One Best Way – to Stop Smoking

1. Fear Horrible pictures on cigarette packs and emphasizing that smoking causes cancer and heart disease assume people smoke because of ignorance of the consequences. This is not so. Everyone these days knows smoking is harmful to health. Scare tactics have relatively little effect because they don’t take into account the main reason people smoke: nicotine addiction, which [...]

Smoking Cessation and Humour

Healthline does it again. They put up a website in 2014 entitled ‘29 Things Only a Person Who’s Quitting Smoking Would Understand’. Apart from the crudity and smugness of the writing, it’s another example of everything that’s wrong with the orthodox approach to the smoking problem. For a start, the very idea of ‘quitting smoking’ implies it’s a [...]

2023-12-05T00:15:26+00:0011 June 2017|Categories: Benefits of quitting smoking, How to Quit Smoking|

Are Smokers Getting A Raw Deal?

Tobacco is not an illegal substance yet the government is persecuting a minority. I think that's a disgrace in a social democracy. Sir Ronald Harwood Playwright and screenwriter There is in Britain a smokers' rights group called Forest (Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco). The name tells you a lot. But are there people who [...]

Smoking and Schizophrenia

According to an article in the British Medical Journal (10 July 2015), smoking may increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, a severe type of mental illness called psychosis. An association between cigarettes and psychotic symptoms has been noted before, but is this because patients take up smoking as a way to try to counteract symptoms or help reduce [...]

2021-04-09T01:46:04+00:0016 August 2015|Categories: Benefits of quitting smoking, Reasons to Quit Smoking|
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