Quit Smoking Services

Read about the many services to get you to stop smoking.  Some of them actually work.

Beware of the Crazies

The American Cancer Society, whose answer to the question, ‘Why is it so hard to quit tobacco?’ I critiqued earlier this year, poses another question on its website: ‘How do I get through the rough spots after I stop smoking?’ So you can expect to have rough spots. Thanks for the encouragement. Now for the advice on how [...]

2024-08-20T02:31:11+00:0011 September 2020|Categories: Popular Blog, Quit Smoking Services|

How to Solve the Smoking Problem

It is a truth that appears not to be universally acknowledged that in order to stop doing something you have to start doing it first. People are not born smokers. Public health organisations are much exercised to appeal for funding to run stop smoking clinics. They have a modest success with smokers who seek their help in supporting [...]

Smoking in Scotland

The headline to an article in the online The Scotsman (4 April 2018) laments that ‘Smoke-free Scotland goal stalls as one in five fail [sic] to quit’. This is blamed on funding for smoking cessation campaigns being cut by the Scottish Government. The article elaborates: About one in five Scots, equivalent to 850,000 adults, are [sic] still lighting [...]

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