Quit Smoking Tips

Many websites can be found with lists of quit-smoking ‘tips’. These are all unhelpful, being nothing more than a re-hash of conventional advice on how to go about quitting.

Such an approaching  trivialises this serious problem and may mislead would-be quitters into thinking it’s just a matter of finding the right sort of hints or suggestions. Tips on quitting do nothing to help understanding about why one smokes in the first place, nor why quitting seems so hard.

The following blogs are satirical critiques of a number of such websites and an article in the Reader’s Digest entitled ‘The 23 Best Ways to Quit Smoking’.

There is only one way – never mind a best way – to quit smoking, and that is – just quit!

How to do this easily is explained in my latest book, ‘How to Stop Smoking with the Symonds Method’, or better, in my one-to-one Skype sessions.

More Quit-Smoking Tips

Continuing our look at quit-smoking ‘tips’ we can find many other websites where these words appear. For example: 13 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever With Pictures, 10 Scientific Quit-Smoking Tips, and Top Ten Tips on How to Stop Smoking. The last-mentioned misleadingly uses this heading to draw people into the site but no tips as such are given. The [...]

2019-03-13T01:05:52+00:004 June 2018|Categories: Quit Smoking Tips|

Distract Yourself to Quit Smoking!

The highly esteemed WebMD, I discovered, has a series of fifteen quit-smoking tips ‘for the first hard days’. Apart from the discouraging title rubbing it in that it will be hard—but why should it be hard?—none these tips shows understanding of why people smoke in the first place and most of them are absurd. I’ll comment on some [...]

2021-10-07T01:01:56+00:0021 March 2018|Categories: Quit Smoking Tips|

Why Nearly All Stop Smoking Websites Are Unhelpful

I put ‘How to stop smoking’ in Google and this is what came up (emphases added) : Readers’ Digest The 23 Best Ways to Quit Smoking…Make an honest list of all the things you like about smoking…Then make another list of why quitting won’t be easy. WebMD So you're ready to kick the habit. That's great! Making that [...]

How to Quit Smoking

I have just come across a brilliant feature from the Reader’s Digest: The 23 Best Ways to Quit Smoking. It’s really about hints or tips that might be helpful to would-be quitters. Here are some of them, with my comments: Set a quit date I have written a blog about why this is a bad idea: http://nicotinemonkey.com/?p=377 Write [...]

2021-09-07T00:40:42+00:001 August 2016|Categories: How to Quit Smoking, Quit Smoking Tips|
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