Reasons to Quit Smoking

There are many reasons to quit smoking. Most smokers realize this, but they continue to smoke. Why?

Smoking Trouble at North East

Thanks to the online Metro Radio publication (2 January 2018), we learn that in the NHS’s North East region of England, over 38,000 patients are admitted to hospitals every year as a result of smoking-related illnesses. Riding to the rescue of this deplorable situation is Dr Robert Allcock, a respiratory consultant at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead, [...]

Danger! Never Smoke While Using Oxygen!

Here is some good news for those unfortunate patients suffering from the serious condition known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. It’s a complex disorder but the main features are shortness of breath with cough, phlegm, and chest tightness as the lungs are progressively damaged; the result may be fatal. The biggest risk factor for getting COPD [...]

2021-06-15T08:14:31+00:0014 August 2017|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Reasons to Quit Smoking|

Smoking Doctor

It seems cigar smoking is still regarded as ‘naughty but nice’, at least by one doctor—an anaesthetist into the bargain—who in a recent interview in The British Medical Journal admitted that his 'guiltiest pleasure' was ‘the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 2 cigar’. He added, guiltily, ‘Although I know I shouldn’t.’ I thought there was something familiar about [...]

2023-09-10T00:34:29+00:0026 October 2016|Categories: Reasons to Quit Smoking|

How to Avoid Cigarette-Induced Lung Cancer

There is an organisation in Britain called the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT). They have put out a short film which is part of a training module called ‘Very Brief Advice on Smoking [Cessation]’ which is aimed at people who want to be smoking cessation counsellors. It’s a very sad film about a young boy [...]

2023-04-27T14:49:31+00:0031 August 2015|Categories: Reasons to Quit Smoking, Smoking Health Effects|

Smoking and Schizophrenia

According to an article in the British Medical Journal (10 July 2015), smoking may increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, a severe type of mental illness called psychosis. An association between cigarettes and psychotic symptoms has been noted before, but is this because patients take up smoking as a way to try to counteract symptoms or help reduce [...]

2021-04-09T01:46:04+00:0016 August 2015|Categories: Benefits of quitting smoking, Reasons to Quit Smoking|
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