Destroying the Cigarette Industry

Professor Sir Chris Whitty, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser, lays it on thick. At a recent symposium on medical ethics, after reminding us that ‘Smoking is an appalling way to die, it kills people in multiple ways,’ he is reported as saying that ‘getting smoking down to zero and destroying the cigarette industry should be an aim [...]

Simple Smoking Cessation

If you’re a pack-a-day smoker, how many lungfuls of poisonous tobacco fumes will you inhale in a day, a month, or a year? Assuming one cigarette is consumed in ten puffs, the numbers are 200, 6,000, and 73,000, respectively. This dreadful situation raises the question: what can be done to help smokers cease and desist from such abnormal [...]

Make Tobacco Obsolete!

The Tobacco Advisory Group of the highly esteemed UK Royal College of Physicians has produced a report called Smoking and health 2021 with the intriguing subtitle, A coming of age for tobacco control? It’s an impressive document, written by fifty-one contributors, running to 169 pages, and includes 1,295 references. The authors are all highly qualified academics: professors, research [...]

2023-10-02T00:31:48+00:0015 November 2021|Categories: Royal College of Physicians, Smoking and vaping, Tobacco Control|
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