Tobacco Doesn’t Need to be Controlled; it Needs to be Abolished

These cigarette machines are ubiquitous in Japan. Note the ad for Parliament cigarettes. The attractive models imply that smoking is sexy. The wording says something like ‘vivid, strong menthol, crystal blast’. You can undergo this refreshing experience by crushing the menthol flavour capsule in the filter. The small print at the bottom, covering only about 16% of the [...]

2023-04-18T05:53:21+00:0031 July 2016|Categories: Smoking in Japan, Tobacco Control|

Smoking in Japan

As I have mentioned before, the Japanese are on the whole a considerate people. Near where I live in Tokyo I recently noticed an sign inviting you to ‘Nelson’s, the local pub’.  It reminded me of English pubs called The Lord Nelson. The sign pointed down an alleyway so I went to investigate. Peering through the window it [...]

2023-01-12T01:09:45+00:0022 July 2016|Categories: Smoking in Japan|

Japanese Ashtray

Non-smoking restaurants and cafés are becoming more and more ubiquitous (!) in Japan, which, of course, is a good thing. And the Japanese, being on the whole a considerate people, make provision, as far as practicable, for other people's needs. Outside this particular café a bench is provided together with an ashtray, partially filled with earth, for the [...]

2019-05-25T06:47:57+00:0013 May 2016|Categories: Smoking in Japan|
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