How Not To Quit Smoking – Again

To help smokers in London stick to a New Year’s resolution to quit smoking, a campaign was announced towards the end of December 2020. It was called, appropriately enough, ‘Stop Smoking London’, though it’s not clear what’s so special about London in this regard as opposed to the rest of the country. Alas, the campaign is yet another [...]

2022-02-06T09:11:04+00:0026 March 2021|Categories: Quit Smoking, The Symonds Method|

Is Allen Carr’s ‘Easyway to Stop Smoking’ Really Easy?

In a previous blog about Allen Carr I critiqued his Easyway To Stop Smoking book and looked at the claimed success rate of his stop-smoking seminars. Today I’ll tell you more about these seminars. Some time ago I had the opportunity of observing an Allen Carr 'Easyway To Stop Smoking’ group session in London. There were, as I [...]

2023-06-17T08:36:43+00:009 August 2018|Categories: Allen Carr, Best Ways to Quit Smoking, The Symonds Method|

The Symonds Method Compared

The table below shows the main features of the Symonds Method compared with conventional quit-smoking methods. The ‘chalk and cheese’ analogy puts it clearly, even if I say so myself. This is because I know from my experience of treating hundreds of smokers that quitting smoking is easy. On the other hand, whether because of vested interests or [...]

2018-08-11T14:10:35+00:0012 August 2017|Categories: Best Ways to Quit Smoking, The Symonds Method|

Does the Symonds Method Work?

All right, Dr Symonds, what's the evidence that your method works? This hypothetical question, on the face of it, is not unreasonable. The question is about whether there have been any scientific trials to compare my method with other ways to quit smoking. A trial could be done like this: you find two hundred smokers who say they [...]

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