Tobacco Control

Which better, Tobacco control or Tobacco Abolition? Dr. Gabriel Symonds is a medical doctor and former smoker. Find out his views below.

Advocacy, Campaigning, and Pressing

ISH (Inaction on Smoking and Health, formerly known as ASH (Action on Smoking and Health)) is well named. You can see it in their repetitively and badly written Policy Statement, ‘What we do’. [Since the time of writing, their website hase been changed and this Statement is no longer shown.] We work by using our dedicated team of [...]

2024-09-15T01:29:06+00:004 December 2023|Categories: Tobacco Control|

E-Cigarette Summit 2023

Evidence or Common Sense? – Part II Momentous news! Later this month the 2023 iteration of The E-Cigarette Summit UK will take place under the auspices of the Royal College of Physicians, no less. This is what it’s all about: The E-Cigarette Summit has a single aim of facilitating respectful dialogue and thoughtful analysis of the science and [...]

2024-09-15T01:30:28+00:005 November 2023|Categories: Tobacco Control|

Solving the Smoking Problem: Evidence or Common Sense?

Last month the UK Department of Health and Social Care published a paper with the encouraging title: Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smoke-free generation. There are two main strands to this laudable aim: helping current smokers stop poisoning themselves with tobacco fumes by encouraging them to switch to vaping; and stopping young people from [...]

2024-09-15T01:33:54+00:004 November 2023|Categories: Tobacco Control|

Protect People from Tobacco Smoke

I pointed out the muddle-headed approach of the World Health Organization in 2021, but they’re still at it. They recently issued a 248-page document, WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: Protect people from tobacco smoke. It’s full of boastful repetitive wordy statements such as the following: No treaty, no set of public health solutions, has saved [...]

2024-09-15T01:39:00+00:0011 August 2023|Categories: Tobacco Control|

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff

In November 2022 the UK government put out a document with the hyphen-challenged title, The Smokefree 2030 ambition for England. The ‘ambition’ is to make England smoke-free by 2030, but they do not mean that after this date no one in England will smoke; they mean the smoking prevalence will be no more than 5 per cent of [...]

2024-09-15T01:45:46+00:0023 April 2023|Categories: Tobacco Control|

Make Tobacco Obsolete!

The Tobacco Advisory Group of the highly esteemed UK Royal College of Physicians has produced a report called Smoking and health 2021 with the intriguing subtitle, A coming of age for tobacco control? It’s an impressive document, written by fifty-one contributors, running to 169 pages, and includes 1,295 references. The authors are all highly qualified academics: professors, research [...]

2023-10-02T00:31:48+00:0015 November 2021|Categories: Royal College of Physicians, Smoking and vaping, Tobacco Control|

Urge WHO To End Lies About Vaping!

Vaping—the activity whereby you repeatedly inhale a nicotine-laced aerosol—is big business. And as one would expect, there’s an online publication which promotes the interests of the vaping industry, the Vaping Post. In a recent edition I came across the headline, ‘Asia-Pacific Groups Create Petition Urging WHO to End Lies About Vaping.’ Well, there’s a challenge! This is put [...]

2022-04-02T01:57:43+00:0021 March 2021|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Tobacco Control, WHO|

Banning Menthol Cigarettes in the US

Potential progress in the fight against smoking was announced The British Medical Journal (10 September 2020) with the headline, ‘US doctors support bid to ban menthol cigarettes.’ We learn that the American Medical Association together with the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council and the UK charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), have brought a lawsuit against [...]

2021-04-30T00:16:02+00:0012 October 2020|Categories: Smoking Harm Reduction, Tobacco Control|

The Successes of the Tobacco Controllers

An earnest young woman, Kylie Lindorff, gazes out at us from a photo in the 2019 Annual Report of the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA). This is made up of the organisations – there are nearly 500 of them – which work on  the ‘development, ratification, and implementation’ of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). [...]

2021-10-20T00:13:48+00:0011 May 2020|Categories: Tobacco Control|

How to Solve the Tobacco Problem

This idea is set out in an eighty-two page Guidebook commissioned by the Framework Convention Alliance on Tobacco Control (FCATC for short), written by an outfit modestly calling itself Sovereign Border Solutions. The latter name reminds me of a company proclaiming it deals with ‘fluid transfer solutions’ instead of saying they sell hosepipes. Let’s take a further look [...]

2024-08-21T00:41:35+00:0029 November 2019|Categories: Tobacco Control|

How to Solve the Smoking Problem

It is a truth that appears not to be universally acknowledged that in order to stop doing something you have to start doing it first. People are not born smokers. Public health organisations are much exercised to appeal for funding to run stop smoking clinics. They have a modest success with smokers who seek their help in supporting [...]

Addiction Sticks and Tobacco Control Vaccine

The March 2018 edition of the highly esteemed journal, Tobacco Control, contains interesting examples of infelicitous writing, to say nothing of wrong-headed ideas: addiction sticks and tobacco control vaccine. As part of an attack on Philip Morris International’s cynical and false claim, 'We're trying to give up cigarettes', it’s gratifying that the editor, Professor Ruth E Malone, is [...]

2021-09-24T23:55:11+00:004 June 2018|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Philip Morris, Tobacco Control|

Schrödinger’s Cat and Cigarettes

Schrödinger's cat, for readers who have not heard of it, is the name of a thought experiment devised by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It is meant to illustrate a principle of quantum mechanics in which a cat in a box can be both dead and alive at the same time. I am not clever enough [...]

2024-01-23T09:56:36+00:0013 May 2018|Categories: Tobacco Control|

Tobacco Control: Confusion and Naïvety

Let me explain. Tobacco Control is the name of a learned journal that states one of its aims is: …to study the nature and consequences of…efforts to prevent and control the global tobacco epidemic… This is confused. The tobacco epidemic, as it’s called, is all too obviously in full swing. Therefore, it's too late to prevent it. What [...]

2021-10-26T00:28:11+00:0019 April 2018|Categories: Big Tobacco, Philip Morris, Tobacco Control|

Up the Garden Path to Reduce Tobacco-Related Death and Disease

Bhutan: sale and purchase of tobacco products prohibited! I wrote about the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study on 17 June 2017 ( Here is another paper about it in, where else, Tobacco Control (July 2017). It’s written by a no less than forty-one American authors from thirteen different institutions. The conclusion of this astonishing collaborative [...]

2018-06-24T12:49:07+00:0029 October 2017|Categories: Smoking Health Effects, Tobacco Control|

Tobacco Control: Feeble, Duplicitous, and Futile

Why should you need willpower to refrain from poisoning yourself? We do not need to read very far into the July 2017 edition of Tobacco Control to have demonstrated to us yet again the feebleness of the current official approach to the tobacco problem, the duplicity of the tobacco industry, and the futility of academic research into smoking. [...]

2024-06-19T02:43:15+00:0014 August 2017|Categories: Philip Morris, Smoking Harm Reduction, Tobacco Control|

Out With ASH – In With CAT!

Gentle reader, bear with me until l come to the bit where I disclose the amazing revelation that recently came upon me. Now, the following is from the website of ASH (Action on Smoking and Health), quoting the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): While recognizing that quitting smoking is always the best option for [...]

The End of the World – Or At Any Rate the End of China – Is Upon Us!

How proud Dr Margaret Chan (Director-General of the WHO) and Helen Clark (Administrator of the UN Development Programme) must feel of their ringing rhetoric in warning of the catastrophe facing China! (Foreword to Health, Economic and Social Costs of China’s Tobacco Epidemic, WHO 2017) Tobacco use kills six million people every year and is a threat to health [...]

2018-06-23T12:57:59+00:0012 August 2017|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Health Effects, Tobacco Control|

Tobacco is the Root of all Evil

A young girl ties tobacco leaves onto sticks to prepare them for curing The desperate need to deal with the smoking problem by outlawing tobacco could not be more plainly made than in the six bulleted points of ASH’s (Action on Smoking and Health's) online Daily News of 30 May 2017. Here they are: Tobacco kills more than [...]

2021-03-21T06:17:51+00:001 June 2017|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Tobacco Control|

The Great Smoking Paradox

The scholarly journal with the curious name of Tobacco Control, on the cover of the May 2017 issue shows a picture of an inflated balloon with a map of the world on it about to be burst by a lighted cigarette. The wording is ‘Tobacco threatens us all’ and ‘Say No to Tobacco’, among other slogans. The dire [...]

2018-07-23T22:26:15+00:0030 May 2017|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Tobacco Control|

Controlling Tobacco with Horrible Pictures

The UK government is about to introduce legislation to require cigarettes to be sold in what is called standardised packaging. They claim this will discourage children from starting to smoke. Fine, but it’s rather a roundabout way of going about it. They're saying, in effect, ‘Don’t buy this, it’s dangerous.’ Or are they trying to put people off [...]

2018-07-17T21:56:52+00:0018 May 2017|Categories: Nicotine Addiction, Tobacco Control|

Lies, Damned Lies, and Big Tobacco

How can Nic-'otine'-andro Durante face himself in the mirror each morning? Let me put it another way. What are 10,000 deaths a year in the UK worth? To work this out we need to remember that one of the warning labels appearing on cigarette packs amusingly states ‘Smoking kills’. More precisely, smoking kills about 100,000 people each year [...]

Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well, I have others

The title is a quotation from Groucho Marx. Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the website of Japan Tobacco International (JTI), in particular the section headed ‘Our six core principles’. (The word ‘core’ is redundant.) The hypocrisy from start to finish is breathtaking. The very idea of a tobacco company declaring it has any principles at all [...]

2023-01-11T03:56:43+00:0019 March 2017|Categories: Big Tobacco, Japan Tabacco, Nicotine Addiction, Tobacco Control|

Are Smokers Getting A Raw Deal?

Tobacco is not an illegal substance yet the government is persecuting a minority. I think that's a disgrace in a social democracy. Sir Ronald Harwood Playwright and screenwriter There is in Britain a smokers' rights group called Forest (Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco). The name tells you a lot. But are there people who [...]

Mrs May – Save Us!

From the pages of that trusty source of the latest developments in medical politics, The British Medical Journal (7 January 2017), comes an arresting news item: More than 1000 doctors and other healthcare workers…have written an open letter to the prime minister, Theresa May, and England’s health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, urging them to publish a new Tobacco Control [...]

2018-07-17T22:18:05+00:0024 January 2017|Categories: Tobacco Control|

Tobacco Doesn’t Need to be Controlled; it Needs to be Abolished

These cigarette machines are ubiquitous in Japan. Note the ad for Parliament cigarettes. The attractive models imply that smoking is sexy. The wording says something like ‘vivid, strong menthol, crystal blast’. You can undergo this refreshing experience by crushing the menthol flavour capsule in the filter. The small print at the bottom, covering only about 16% of the [...]

2023-04-18T05:53:21+00:0031 July 2016|Categories: Smoking in Japan, Tobacco Control|

What’s up with ASH?

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) in their 2008 report draw attention to a well-known but nonetheless shocking fact: Products which are known to kill one in every two of their life-long users are available for sale in shops throughout the land. What to do about this scandalous situation? The obvious thing they dismiss: As banning tobacco products [...]

2020-11-18T00:38:14+00:0023 June 2016|Categories: Tobacco Control|

The Curious Idea of Controlling Tobacco

Did you know there is a scholarly journal calling itself, indeed, Tobacco Control? The very title shows the wrong-headed approach to the smoking problem: tobacco doesn’t need to be controlled; it needs to be abolished. In a recent edition there is an editorial and a research paper complaining that the full list of ingredients in cigarettes is not [...]

2018-06-14T01:15:17+00:0017 May 2016|Categories: Tobacco Control|
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