Does Vaping Make You Grumpy?

In previous blogs I have dealt with how vaping makes you feel bad, induces vulgarity, and is an activity from which you will get no satisfaction. Now I have to add another downside to this abnormal and potentially harmful behaviour: it can result in vapers being grumpy, as I shall explain. Do you know what INNCO means? It’s [...]

2023-04-22T07:15:03+00:004 August 2022|Categories: E-Cigarettes, INNCO, Quit Smoking, Vaping, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|

Cotton Candy to Blue Raspberry Disposable Vapes

Here we go again. An article on BBC News (14 June 2022) shows everything that’s wrong with the current approach to smoking and vaping. Let’s start with the headline: ‘Vaping – it is a risk-free option?’ An option for what? For a way of taking nicotine into your body? You don’t need options for this purpose because you [...]

2023-04-22T07:15:15+00:0015 June 2022|Categories: Disposable vapes, Nicotine Addiction, Vaping, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|

E-Cigarettes on Prescription!

It has been claimed that ‘The English tobacco control/smoking cessation community is internationally regarded as being utterly, hopelessly smitten  with e-cigarettes. It's become almost cult-like.' See Now it seems this community is about to take leave of its senses. A certain Martin Dockrell, the Tobacco Control Programme Lead of Public Health England, is quoted (Daily Mail, 23 [...]

2023-04-22T07:16:19+00:006 July 2019|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Vaping, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|

Why Does Juul Labs Sell Poison?

Juul Labs is the nice scientific-sounding name of the company that makes the popular—especially with school kids—nicotine drug delivery device with the catchy name of Juul. Now hold on a minute, Dr Symonds! Nicotine a poison? It’s no more harmful than coffee! Anyway, it’s such fun to suck nicotine-laden vapour into your lungs hundreds of times a day, [...]

2023-04-22T07:16:34+00:0010 June 2019|Categories: E-Cigarettes, Vaping (e-cigarettes)|
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