These take place online. Smokers can also be seen at Dr Symonds’s office in Tokyo.
The sessions are conducted in a supportive, non-judgemental atmosphere. There are deliberately no cigarette breaks. This is because it’s important for smokers to become aware what they experience, if anything, when they haven’t smoked for a while.
Most people will have smoked their last cigarette shortly before the session starts, and at the end of it, when asked how they’re feeling, usually say they feel fine and that they don’t want to smoke anymore.
Advantages of a 1/1 Session
- Y
The cost is US$495.
Based on the current price of a pack of Marlboro cigarettes in the UK and US, this is what a pack-a-day smoker would spend in about one month and two months, respectively.
The Clear Choice
Allen Carr’s Easyway

Nasia DavOs ‘CBQ’

The Symonds Method

Communication can be via Skype or FaceTime, or by phone.
Dr Symonds’s availability is flexible, but he can can only accept a limited number of reservations per day, so it’s best to book early.
- Select the Payment Method
- Fill out the form
- Click the “Purchase via Credit Card” button
- You will be redirected to a payment page
- After successful completion, you be redirected back to the Nicotine Monkey site
- Dr Symonds will contact you directly via email to set up a meeting
Let Dr Symonds show you how to get the Nicotine Monkey off your back in a private session.
Purchase your Online Private Session for $495
We Accept MAJOR Credit Cards

One 2-hour private session with Dr Gabriel Symonds